What Does Salvation Mean to You?

As Christians, we spend a lot of our time talking about salvation, yet we sometimes we really  don’t know how to describe it in all its beauty to someone who might ask what it means. All throughout this earthly journey, we use that word ‘salvation’  as a summation of what God has given us. While salvation is the biggest gift and greatest gift our Almighty God has given us, it represents so much more than just that one word. So, I would describe it as follows.

What does salvation mean to me? It means that God is my God. It means that no matter how many times I commit treason against His kingly Name, He still offers me His mercy. It means that no matter how many times I hurt Him, He remains my best and strongest friend. He says that no matter how often I betray Him, I can still come running back to Him like the prodigal son, and He will welcome me because He is my Father and I am His child. Salvation shakes and comforts the sinner. I sin and sin, and yet Jesus says, “Drop the stone.” Salvation says, “Father, please forgive them, for they know not what they do” as I scream out, “Crucify Him!” Salvation dwells in me after the pouring out of the Holy Spirit into my heart on Pentecost, and I have the witnessing of that same Spirit as I walk my earthly path. Salvation says, “Yes” to the questions of Baptism and Confession of Faith as the tears of comfort, joy, and perfect peace fill the eyes of my parents and grandparents. Salvation brings me to my knees and the Judge declares me innocent when I deserve to be beyond condemned. Salvation carries me through the streets of gold and gates of pearls as I hear the angels and saints greeting me home.

So what does salvation mean? What does it mean to you? The truth and significance of that word ‘salvation’ is far greater than its nine letters. Salvation represents my entire story. What is yours?

Ariel Bosman

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