The Beauty of Music

Whether on the internet from an instrument, or from your own voice, music is all around you, and it is a great blessing. It’s a way of calming oneself, of relaxing. Music has many faces and many forms. It can move you to such deep emotions you may find yourself pouring out your soul to God. It may excite you or motivate you. It may put you to sleep. Music is something God has given his people from the beginning of time. The Israelites, when they crossed the Red Sea and escaped Pharaoh, they sang with timbrel and harp the Bible says.

Although you may not think you have any musical talent, (I believe everyone does to some extent) you can still listen to music for hours on end. Good music is one of the few truly beautiful, almost perfect things I believe God placed on this world. There is beauty aplenty for the eyes in this world, but it takes a special ear to hear beauty. Listen. Can you hear it? Can you hear nature’s music? Nature sings, the wind whistles, the trees sigh, the birds complete the melody with their gorgeous soprano. All around us God has placed music, beautiful music for us to enjoy, and to praise him with, to give thanks. Song of Solomon 2:12 says“The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, the LORD hath done great things for them.”

Thank the Lord for music, for showing us His voice through His creation for us to enjoy and treasure. In this dark and dreadful world there are few things that hold true beauty and true pure music is one of them. Thank Him for this light shining in a world of darkness, this respite from a land of woe. We should forever sing praises to Him so that one day we might sing in the ultimate choir, a host of angels, in heaven.

Jared Vandyke

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